
  • MR0985595 (90d:16042) le Riche, L. R.(SA-STEL); Meldrum, J. D. P.(4-EDIN); van der Walt, A. P. J.(SA-STEL)
    On group near-rings Arch. Math. (Basel) 52 (1989), no. 2, 132--139.
For a long time, it was unclear how to define "correctly" the concept of a group near-ring $R[G]$ for a general near-ring $R$ with identity and a (multiplicatively written) group $G$. This paper gives such a definition and provides sufficient results which show that this is the "right" way to define $R[G]$. It works as follows. Let $R$ and $G$ be as above, and let $R^G$ be all maps from $G$ to $R$. In $M(R^G)$, the set of all maps from $R^G$ into itself, the author defines maps ${[r,g]}$ for $r\in R$ and $g\in G$ by $({[r,g]}(\mu))(h)=r\mu(hg)$ for $\mu\in R^G$ and $h\in G$. Now $M(R^G)$ is a near-ring with respect to pointwise function multiplication and composition. The group near-ring $R[G]$ is then defined as the sub-near-ring generated by all ${[r,g]}$ for $r\in R$, $g\in G$. If $R$ is a ring, we get the usual definition of a group ring. If $R$ is a d.g. near-ring, one gets the special case of a "group d.g. near-ring", as defined by Meldrum in 1976. Familiar results for group rings extend to group near-rings. The interplay between ideals of $R$ and those of $R{[G]}$ is explored in detail.
Reviewed by Guenter Pilz
In this paper the authors define group near-rings for the general case and lay the foundations for further development of the subject.
Let R be a near-ring with identity 1 and G a group with identity e. $R\sp G$ denotes the cartesian direct sum of $\vert G\vert$ copies of $(R,+)$ indexed by the elements of G. $M(R\sp G)$ is the right near-ring of all mappings of the group $R\sp G$ into itself. For $r\in R$ and $g\in G$ by ${[r,g]}$ we denote the mapping in $M(R\sp G)$ defined by $({[r,g]}(\mu))(h)=r\sb{\mu}(hg)$ for all $\mu \in R\sp G$, $h\in G$. The set $\{[r,g]\vert$ $r\in R$, $g\in G\}$ generates a subnear-ring of $M(R\sp G)$ which will be denoted by $R[G]$ and called the group near-ring constructed from $R$ and $G$. If $R$ happens to be a ring, then $R[G]$ is isomorphic to the standard group-ring constructed from $R$ and $G$. If $R$ is distributively generated, then so is $R[G]$ for every group G. Let $\phi$ ->$R\to S$ be an epimorphism of near-rings and ${\bar \phi}$->$R\sp G\to S\sp G$ be the epimorphism defined by ${\bar\phi}(\mu)(g)= \phi(\mu(g))$ for all $g\in G$. We can define an epimorphism $\phi\sp*->R[G]\to S[G]$ by $\phi\sp*(A)(\sigma)={\bar \phi}(A{\tilde \phi}(\sigma))$ for all $\sigma \in S\sp G$, where ${\tilde \phi}$ is a right inverse of ${\bar \phi}$. Put (Ker $\phi)\sp*=Ker \phi\sp*$. The authors show that the mapping $(\ )\sp*$ is an injection from the set of ideals of $R$ into that of $R[G]$. Moreover, (${\cal A}\cap {\cal B})\sp*={\cal A}\sp*\cap {\cal B}\sp*$ and ${\cal A}\sp*+{\cal B}\sp*\subseteq ({\cal A}+{\cal B})\sp*$. Let ${\cal A}\sp*$ be the ideal generated by the set $\{$ [a,e]$\vert$ $a\in {\cal A}\}$. Then the mapping ( )${}\sp+$ is an injection from the set of ideals of R into that of R[G]. Moreover, ${\cal A}\sp+\subseteq {\cal A}\sp*$, (${\cal A}+{\cal B})\sp+={\cal A}\sp++{\cal B}\sp+$ and (${\cal A}\cap {\cal B})\sp+\subseteq {\cal A}\sp++{\cal B}\sp+$. Denote by $\eta$ the function in $R\sp G$ such that $\eta (e)=1$ and $\eta (g)=0$ if $g\ne e$. For an ideal ${\cal A}$ in $R[G]$, put ${\cal A}\sb*=\{a\in R\vert$ $a=(A\eta)(e)$ for some $A\in {\cal A}\}$. Then ${\cal A}\subseteq ({\cal A}\sb*)\sp*$.
->[ B.Pondel?cek ]

  • MR1683117 (2000c:16063) Meldrum, J. D. P.(4-EDIN); Meyer, J. H.(SA-OFS)
    Word ideals in group near-rings. Algebra Colloq. 5 (1998), no. 4, 409--416.
This paper explores the link between the ideals of a near-ring $R$ and two classes of ideals in the group near-ring $R[G]$ \ref[L. R. le Riche, J. D. P. Meldrum and A. P. J. van der Walt, Arch. Math. (Basel) 52 (1989), no. 2, 132--139; MR0985595 (90d:16042)]. Many of the results are analogous to those relating ideals of $R$ to ideals of matrix near-rings over $R$, as found by S. J.\ Abbasi, J. D. P. Meldrum and J. H. Meyer [in Proceedings of the Conference on Near-rings and Near-fields (Oberwolfach, 1989), 3--14, Univ. Duisburg, 1995; per bibl.]. In particular, effective use is again made of word ideals in a near-ring->if $w(x_1,\cdots ,x_n)$ is a word in the free additive group on $\{x_i\}$ then the subgroup of $(R,+)$ generated by $\{w(r_1,\cdots ,r_n)| r_i\in R\}$ is actually an ideal of $R$ when $R$ is distributively generated.
In the final section the authors give a pathological example.
Reviewed by Gordon Mason

  • MR1428054 (97m:16085) Fray, R. L.(SA-WCAP)
    On ideals in group near-rings. Acta Math. Hungar. 74 (1997), no. 1-2, 155--165.
This paper builds upon the definitions and ideas presented by L. R. le Riche, J. D. P. Meldrum and A. P. J. van der Walt \ref[Arch. Math. (Basel) 52 (1989), no. 2, 132--139; MR0985595 (90d:16042)]. Let $R$ be a right near-ring with identity $1$, $G$ a multiplicative group with identity $e$ and $R\sp{G}$ the Cartesian direct sum of $|G|$ copies of $(R,+)$ indexed by the elements of $G$. $M(R\sp{G})$ is the right near-ring of all mappings of the group $R\sp{G}$ into itself. For any $r \in R$, $g \in G$, define $ [r,g]$ to be the element of $M(R\sp{G})$ such that $([r,g]\mu)(h) = r\mu(hg)$ for all $\mu\in R\sp{G}$ and $h \in G$. The group near-ring $R[G]$ is the subnear-ring of $M(R\sp{G})$ generated by the $ [r,g]$.
For $\Gamma \subseteq R[G]$, ${\rm id}(\Gamma)$ is constructed recursively by the following six rules->(1) $A \in {\rm id}(\Gamma)$ for all $A \in \Gamma$, (2) if $B, C \in {\rm id}(\Gamma)$ then $B+C \in {\rm id} (\Gamma)$, (3) if $B \in {\rm id}(\Gamma)$ and $X \in R[G]$ then $BX \in {\rm id} (\Gamma)$, (4) if $B \in {\rm id}(\Gamma)$ and $X, Y \in R[G]$ then $X(B+Y) -XY \in {\rm id}(\Gamma)$, (5) if $B \in {\rm id} (\Gamma)$ and $X \in R[G]$ then $X + B - X \in {\rm id}(\Gamma)$, and (6) nothing else is in ${\rm id}(\Gamma)$. For any ideal $I$ of $R$ define the ideals $I\sp{+} = {\rm id}\{[a,e]| a \in I\}$ and $I\sp{*} = (I\sp{G} \colon R\sp{G})$.
Assume that $R$ is zero symmetric. If $I$ is an ideal, properties of $I\sp{*}$ and $I\sp}$ are presented. It is then proved that if $A$ is an ideal of $R$ and $A\sp{$ is nilpotent in $R[G]$ then $A$ is nilpotent in $R$. Furthermore, it is shown that $A$ is (semi)prime in $R$ if and only if $A\sp{*}$ is (semi)prime in $R[G]$.
The distributor series for the near-ring $R$ is defined inductively as $D\sp{0}(R) = R$, $D\sp{i+1}(R) = {\rm Gp}\langle (D\sp{i}(R),D\sp{i}(R))\rangle \sp{R}$. A relationship between the distributor series for $R$ and $R[G]$ is given when $R$ is distributively generated->for all $m \geq 0$, (1) $(D\sp{m}(R))\sp{+} \subseteq D\sp{m}(R[G])$ and (2) $D\sp{m}(R[G]) \subseteq (D\sp{m}(G))\sp{*}$.
Let $H$ be a subgroup of $G$. Define $\delta(H)$ to be the left ideal of $R[G]$ generated by the set $\{[1,h]-[1,e]| h \in H\}$. $\delta(H)$ is studied. It is shown that if $H$ is a normal subgroup of $G$ and $R$ is distributively generated then $\delta(H)$ is a two-sided ideal of $R[G]$. It is also shown that there is a natural relationship between the left ideals in $R$ and the left ideals in the group distributively generated near-ring $R[G]$.
Lastly, it is shown how to associate with each two-sided ideal $J$ of $R[G]$ a subgroup $\Omega J$ of $G$. Six properties are shown to hold for $\Omega J$.
Reviewed by David John

  • MR2099804 (2005j:16039) Meyer, J. H.(SA-OFS-MAM)
    Two-sided ideals in group near-rings. J. Aust. Math. Soc. 77 (2004), no. 3, 321--334.
Let $R$ be a right near-ring with identity, $G$ be a nontrivial group, and $R^G$ be the direct sum of $|G|$ copies of $(R,+)$. Then the set of all mappings $f\colon R^G\to R^G$, denoted $M(R^G)$, forms a near-ring under pointwise addition and composition. For all $?\in R^G$ and $h\in G$, let the mapping $ [r,g]\colon R^G\to R^G$ be defined by $([r,g](?))(h)=r?(hg)$. The group near-ring $R[G]$ is the sub-near-ring of $M(R^G)$ generated by $\{[r,g]\in M(R^G) \colon r\in R, g\in G\}$.
Avenues of inquiry for group near-rings are analogous to those done in previous papers for matrix near-rings, and relationships between group near-rings and matrix near-rings are discussed throughout the paper. In particular, ideals $A$ in $R$ are used to construct ideals ${^+A}$ and ${^*A}$ in $R[G]$, and ideals ${\scr A}$ in $R[G]$ are used to construct ideals ${_*{\scr A}}$ in $R$. An ideal ${\scr A}$ of $R[G]$ such that ${^+A}\subset{\scr A}\subset{^*A}$ for some ideal $A$ of $R$ is called an intermediate ideal of $R[G]$. It is shown that for every intermediate ideal ${\scr A}$ of $R[G]$, there exists a unique ideal $A$ of $R$ such that ${^+A}\subset{\scr A}\subset {^*A}$. Moreover, ${\scr A}$ is not equal to ${^+B}$ or ${^*B}$ for any ideal $B$ of $R$. A similar result is true for matrix near-rings.
Every ideal in a matrix near-ring is either intermediate or of the form $A^+$ or $A^*$ for some ideal $A$ of $R$. However, an interesting result is that there is an ideal in $R[G]$ that is neither intermediate nor of the form $^+A$ or $^*A$ for any ideal $A$ of $R$. Such an ideal is called exceptional. The last section includes results on modules over $R[G]$ and Jacobson radicals.
The results presented lay the foundation for further study on ideal structure in group near-rings.
->Reviewed by G. Alan Cannon
For group near-rings $R[G]$ ideals $^+A$, $^*A$ are defined and studied, imitating the usual definitions of $A^+,A^*$ for matrix near-ring $M_n(R)$. There are (surprise!) ideals $I$ of $R[G]$ that are not intermediate and also not of the form $^+A$ or of the form $^*A$: they are called exceptional. In particular the augmentation ideal $\Delta=\text{Id}\langle [1,g]-[1,e]:g\in G\rangle_{R[G]}$ of $R[G]$ is always exceptional. Modules over $R[G]$ and $J_2$-radicals are discussed. Many interesting examples illustrate various situations.
->Giovanni Ferrero (Parma)