With VirtualBox you are running Ubuntu guest in an XP host, and you want to know how to have XP shared folders to get accessed by Ubuntu.
- Assume that
- You setup a folder "D:\Documents" on the XP host to be shared under the name "ToBeShared" (set using Devices->Shared Folders).
- You make a directory "/mnt/SharedFolder" on the Ubuntu guest.
- You setup a folder "D:\Documents" on the XP host to be shared under the name "ToBeShared" (set using Devices->Shared Folders).
- You can issue the following command in the Ubuntu guest to mount the folder:
- mount -t vboxsf ToBeShared /mnt/SharedFolder
The folder should be seen in the gust now. - You can edit fstab to mount the folder every time you boot the guest system. Do the following:
- sudo gedit /etc/fstab
- ToBeShared /mnt/SharedFolder vboxsf rw,exec,suid,dev 0 0
- sudo gedit /etc/fstab