To connect to dial-up ADSL automatically when computer starts up (without anyone logs in), and when the network is disrupted, do the following.
Create a service (see here) to execute the command
with options
"<ADSL interface name>" ADSL_account_user_name password
Make it restart automatically upon program exit.
Or: follow these directions
• If your service provider requires authentication, make sure you have saved the password by checking the Save Password checkbox in the Connect Connection Name window and connecting at least once.
• If you are running Windows 2000, right-click the My Network Places icon on your desktop and select Properties to bring up the Network and Dial-up Connections window.
• If you are running Windows XP/2003, click the Start button, select Control Panel, then click Network and Internet Connections and then click the Network Connections control panel icon to bring up the Network Connections window.
• Locate the Dial-Up connection you created for PPP over Ethernet, right-click it and select Properties.
• Select the Options tab and clear all checkboxes under Dialing options.
• Under Redialing options, set Idle time before hanging up: to never and check the Redial if line is dropped checkbox.
• Click OK to save the changes.
• Now click the Start button, select Settings then Control Panel to open the Control Panel window.
• In the Control Panel window, double-click Scheduled Tasks.
• In the Scheduled Tasks window, double-click Add Scheduled Task.
• On the welcome screen of the Scheduled Task Wizard, click Next.
• At the program selection step, click Browse... and browse to your WINNT\System32 directory (Windows 2000) or to your Windows\System32 directory (Windows XP/2003).
• Type RASPHONE.EXE (note the spelling!) in the File name: edit box or locate it in the directory and select it and click Open.
• Make up a name for this task and under Perform this task: select When my computer starts. Click Next.
• Enter your password. Note: The task must be run under the same account which the dial-up entry was created under.
• At the final step, make sure that Open advanced properties for this task when I click finish is checked and click Finish.
• In the advanced properties, edit the Run: edit box and append the command-line parameters " -d "Connection Name"".
• Go to the Settings tab and clear all checkboxes on that page.
• Click OK to close the task's properties.
• Finally, you need to make a little registry change to prevent Windows from disconnecting when a user logs on and off again:
Run REGEDIT and navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Then right-click the right-hand pane, select New -> String Value, name the value KeepRasConnections and set it to 1.
• Reboot. Windows will establish the connection automatically and keep it until you shut the machine down.
• NOTE: The connection will not be properly terminated when shutting the machine down or rebooting. This can cause problems with service providers who take very long to detect such a dropped connection and limit the number of concurrent connections.